yumyoda /yŭm-yō’də/

  1. (interjection) To consume good knowledge and/or wisdom
  2. (noun) An urban identity and resistance movement towards community empowerment.



YUMYODA is dedicated to fostering a sense of community rooted in Restorative Justice. By building the scale and power of the solidarity economy movement in Black, Indigenous, and working class communities throughout New York City, we aspire to support a just transition from an extractive to a regenerative economy, where healing and reconciliation are at the core of our collective growth.



At YUMYODA, our vision of wealth encompasses more than just financial gain. It is a fundamental mission of our organization to embrace Solidarity Economics, re-distributing and circulating wealth from capitalists to disadvantaged communities. We serve the coalitions against colonialism and the lineage that followed, seeking to empower communities and ensure equitable access to resources, prosperity, and collective well-being.



YUMYODA believes that the ability to redefine and restore wealth is one of the best ways to ensure that resources such as health care, transportation, and affordable housing are accessible to everyone. As an organization committed to Abolition, we address the underlying social issues that divide our siblings and seek to dismantle oppressive systems, fostering an abundant society where all individuals can thrive, regardless of background or identity.

Buidling Coalitions

Our primary objective is to foster collaboration and unity among our culture. We aim to construct both vertical and horizontal coalitions that transcend traditional boundaries and unite individuals, organizations, and communities around shared values and objectives. By building strong partnerships and alliances, we can leverage collective expertise, resources, and influence to address root causes effectively. Through inclusive dialogue, cooperative action, and a fundamental accountability process, we seek to create a powerful force for positive change that amplifies our impact.

Building Coalitions

Our primary objective is to foster collaboration and unity among our culture. We aim to construct both vertical and horizontal coalitions that transcend traditional boundaries and unite individuals, organizations, and communities around shared values and objectives. By building strong partnerships and alliances, we can leverage collective expertise, resources, and influence to address root causes effectively. Through inclusive dialogue, cooperative action, and a fundamental accountability process, we seek to create a powerful force for positive change that amplifies our impact.

Opportunities and Support

Central to our mission are the support systems and resources to empower our community members. We are committed to offering opportunities, education, resources, membership, funding and support. By equipping individuals and groups with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, we enable them to actively contribute to our collective efforts and realize their full potential. Through mentorship, training programs, and strategic guidance, we aim to nurture a thriving ecosystem of changemakers who are equipped to drive meaningful change at local, national, and global levels.

Opportunities and Support

Central to our mission are the support systems and resources to empower our community members. We are committed to offering opportunities, education, resources, membership, funding and support. By equipping individuals and groups with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, we enable them to actively contribute to our collective efforts and realize their full potential. Through mentorship, training programs, and strategic guidance, we aim to nurture a thriving ecosystem of changemakers who are equipped to drive meaningful change at local, national, and global levels.

Localized Economy

A cornerstone of our initiative is the establishment of a localized dollar system that promotes economic resilience and community self-sufficiency. We envision a currency framework that empowers communities to create and circulate their own currency, facilitating trade and economic transactions within affinity groups and supply chains. By decentralizing financial systems and promoting alternative currencies, we aim to reduce dependency on traditional banking institutions and create more equitable economic opportunities for all members of society. We strive to lay the foundation for a more sustainable and inclusive economic paradigm that prioritizes people over profit.

Localized Economy

A cornerstone of our initiative is the establishment of a localized dollar system that promotes economic resilience and community self-sufficiency. We envision a currency framework that empowers communities to create and circulate their own currency, facilitating trade and economic transactions within affinity groups and supply chains. By decentralizing financial systems and promoting alternative currencies, we aim to reduce dependency on traditional banking institutions and create more equitable economic opportunities for all members of society. We strive to lay the foundation for a more sustainable and inclusive economic paradigm that prioritizes people over profit.

Food Fight

The Food Fight Zine Exchange is our platform for collaboration, with a dedicated focus on empowering individuals in food and personal security. By providing resources and knowledge on self-defense, survival tips, and food security measures, we aim to cultivate a more confident and resilient community. Through zines, workshops, and events, we foster dialogue and solidarity, equipping our community to confront challenges and obstructive changes with resilience and determination.


The Food Fight Zine Exchange is our platform for collaboration, with a dedicated focus on empowering individuals in food and personal security. By providing resources and knowledge on self-defense, survival tips, and food security measures, we aim to cultivate a more confident and resilient community. Through zines, workshops, and events, we foster dialogue and solidarity, equipping our community to confront challenges and obstructive changes with resilience and determination.

Refund the community;
Bang on the system.

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